How To Find True Happiness

The Thin Line Between Wants and Needs!

The world is full of beings motivated by greed, the thirst to be powerful and to control others. It doesn’t matter where that person stands; they could head a family or a state. The craziness of being at the top at any cost erases the moral boundaries. The thin line between necessity and having it all disappears, and all that left is self-indulgence.

A person’s life has different stages; they set goals, struggle, work hard to achieve them, celebrate and move on. And the cycle keeps ongoing. The question is now, how can anybody differ between wants and needs? Another question is, do people know the difference between these two words?

I directly connected these above mentioned queries to an individual’s happiness. Why do you think most people are unhappy these days? Everywhere you go, you will see a destructive, competitive environment. Whether it is a drive to get that limited edition bag or a successful business owner monopolizing a new venture, everyone is fighting to be at the top.

But, is it worthed? Do they know when to end this? It is vital to be conscious of the difference between wanting something and needing it. When you know this, that’s the point where you reach the level of satisfaction you have been craving for ages.

For decades, joy has been linked with the change in living standards. It all started with creating a comfortable life. First, a person wants to fulfil the basic needs, then a point comes where he is fed-up with the things and wants to upgrade. This is the moment when you understand the want. When you want something, it is the process of getting something extra just to boost your ego. You do not need it but want it to feel satisfied. That means you are linking your happiness to the number of material gains increasing your status in society.

Everywhere we look, folks spend precious lives getting ahead of their camaraderie. Most people change for the worst in the quest to get it all. The thirst never ends, and the wants keep on increasing. Resulting in dissatisfaction and utter disappointment in self and the situation. Some people give up; they look at others’ journeys and achievements and compare them with what they have. This is a huge punishment and a major disservice that they are putting their souls to. Do not, at any point, associate your life with any other person. Everyone is unique, and they all have a different path set out for them. No one can stand in another’s shoes. What you have to go through will differ completely from the lesson your friend is supposed to get. Cek update angka 24 dalam togel terbaru di Playme8. You need to appreciate your journey and learn from it to be a better individual.

Unfortunately, few people understand that and continuously fight to get what the other has. Be happy about other people’s success. No one knows what ways they took just to get to this stage. Do not assume their path was easy or speculate about their life. Just focus on yourself and on achieving your objectives. Challenge yourself to strive for the level you want yourself to be.

Want to check where you stand? Well, to understand yourself better, note your reaction. Let’s assume if, at a point, the universe takes away all of your things. Where would you stand? Would you get disappointed? Crushed? Or be grateful for everything and start again?

This is the fundamental challenge of this life and the solution to finding ultimate happiness. Learning the art of being satisfied even after knowing that you have nothing is the true success. The moment you surrender to the divine power, be content at any cost and don’t let things rule you, you attract all the blessings.

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